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“The next big thing will happen with the friendship of Metaverse and Sustainability.”


While digital startups are responsible for 5 percent of carbon emissions, we know that staying online is warming our real world. Nature is not a commodity that we can exchange and reduce from one place and try to improve from another. We are committed to being sustainable in all our processes in order to contribute to the Net zero target in the fight against climate change, in order to reduce this impact a little bit.


We adopt lean production principles in the office and serve sustainable development goals with our work on energy efficiency. Stay tuned to our blog for more content on the combined use of sustainability and metaverse concepts.

Social Impact


As the game industry grows more and more each day, the number of employees united under its roof is also increasing. Lugal Games, which focuses on developing a culture based on equal, transparent and inclusive principles; focuses on diversity and gender equality. We serve to achieve social impact goals in our operations and management in a conscious, systematic and sustainable manner.


Of course, we are aware that it will not be enough just to ensure equality within the organization and to achieve sustainable outputs, albeit a little. However, we know that the small steps of each of us will increase the social impact like an avalanche.


So what did we do about it?


  • We have made possible the equality of income distribution and a great work environment where everyone boldly expresses their thoughts.

  • By focusing on Article 8 of the Sustainable Development Goals, we have provided decent employment where minimum standards are met in terms of security and remuneration.

  • Thanks to our precise and clear policies that do not discriminate against color, language, religion or race, each of our colleagues has become proud to be a part of our company culture.

“It is our values that guide us and make us strong.”

Respect for Human

We care about the development and well-being of our colleagues and reward their performance.


We adopt an understanding of transparency towards our stakeholders, investors and everyone affected by our activities.

Personal Responsibility

We take personal responsibilities to fulfill all our responsibilities towards people, nature and animals. It is an integral part of our company culture.

Supporting Communities and the Environment

We protect disadvantaged communities and protect every silent and defenseless creature of nature.

Continuous Improvement

We work with a user-oriented, continuous development and quality approach in production. We build our collaborations on this value.

Inclusion and Diversity

 A fair and equal working environment can be a utopia for employees. We make this utopia possible, where each of our teammates can reveal their potential.

CEO's Message


Rahmi Aydemir, CEO

“The mobile gaming world is witnessing fierce competition with more innovations and technological developments every day. Increasing employment with the growing sector and the need for qualified workforce now require companies to be training bases as well as commercial enterprises.
In the journey of Lugal Games to implement a long-term and added value roadmap with the importance it attaches to the ideal of education and sustainability, as well as story-oriented and quality content; I would like to express my sincere thanks and respect to my esteemed colleagues and all our stakeholders who accompany us with great devotion.”

King Regards

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